12 Amazing Things to do in Dingle and Slea Head

Dingle Peninsula

The Dingle Peninsula is a larger than life area featuring one of Ireland’s liveliest towns, a very friendly dolphin, and with the Slea Head Loop, one of it’s most scenic coastal routes. As part of the Wild Atlantic Way, you can guarantee that it embodies all things Irish. Ideal for a two day visit the following are the top things to do in Dingle.   

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Dingle is located some 340 km (212 miles) from Dublin and 150 km (94 miles) from Cork. A small town of only 2000 people, it is part of the Gaeltacht region (a small pocket where Irish is still the spoken language). If your trip to Ireland involves a hunt to find the best craic (no not crack), then look no further than Dingle. It is the definition of lively., and there are no shortage of fun things to do.

Our story picks up from the Ring of Kerry, where a blanket of low cloud had put a dampener on our activities. So we pushed on through the 50km drive from Killorglin to Dingle, at first blighted by heavy traffic. We made another failed attempt to visit a beach, this one was Inch Beach, one very familiar from my youth. It extends on a long headland similar to Rossbeigh across the channel, but again its was shrouded in a veil and we deemed it not worth exploring.

So we arrived in Dingle somewhat ahead of expectations. Our accommodation was the Dingle Harbour Lodge booked through Booking.com which was a large guesthouse. At €132 it wasn’t cheap, but it was July and Kerry, and that’s the market. The rooms were of a good standard for a guesthouse, and all come with a free traditional Irish, if you haven’t had your fill of pork by now. It was located only a few minutes walk from Dingle and had plenty of free parking. Exactly what we needed before we resumed our journey the following day. The rooms also had views down over Dingle Bay.

Things to do in Dingle

Hitting the town in Dingle

Scrubbing up after a little relaxation we set out for a night in the town of Dingle. Dingle roars with a tourism trade for much of the year, including new years eve. It’s location on the beautiful Dingle Bay, ensures a good fishing trade and it is known for its high quality fish restaurants. It is also renowned for its pubs. Like any good Irish town, you are only as good as your pubs, and Dingle has a good ratio of pubs to people, with 38 pubs.

We performed our usual routine when looking for food of walking up and down the streets of the town, before going back to the first place we liked. This was the Marina Inn, and accommodated both our needs, a good fish dinner and a some subsequent live music. After some delicious and huge calamari, washed down by some pints of local Tom Crean lager, the pub stirred to life and Dingle lived up to both reputation and expectations. The craic was mighty as they say. We were kicked out at closing time and we returned (stumbled) back to our guesthouse.

The breakfast the next morning was freshly cooked, and was just the ticket. Stepping outside the mist had gone and blue skies greeted us. We saw Dingle Bay in a new light, contrasting against the green headlands to the rear, and with a fleet of colourful boats moored to the fore.

Dingle Bay
Dingle Bay
Dingle Bay

12 Amazing Things to do in Dingle and Slea Head

Murphys Ice cream

You simply have to try one of Ireland’s most famous artisan ice creams. Murphys have been producing ice cream since 2000, have branched out to Dublin, Killarney, and Galway. But the original store is still on Strand Street in Dingle. One of the best Dingle things to do.

Dingle Distillery

Another famed product of Dingle is the locally produced Gin, Vodka, and Whiskey from the Dingle Distillery. In production since 2012, their products are some of the best of the new wave spirits to come on the Irish market. The distillery offer hour long tours, which include a mandatory tasting. The tour is priced at €12 per person, and it’s best to book in advance on the Dingle Distillery website. When you leave with a taste for some more, you’ll find all the products in the local bars.

Dingle Oceanworld

Located on the outskirts of the town, Dingle Oceanworld is a large indoor aquarium. It prides itself on its Sand Tiger Sharks, Gentoo Penguins and Otters, but has much more besides with Stingrays, reptiles and a butterfly house making up its repertoire. A €15 entry fee applies, and there are hourly interactions with the inhabitants.

Fungie Boat Trip

Besides the 2000 permanent inhabitants that Dingle possesses, it lays claim to one more. It’s most famous is a bottlenose dolphin named Fungie. First sighted in these waters around 1983, Fungie is a dolphin with an affinity to humans, and has been swimming alongside boats ever since.

There are many boat tours taking people out to see Fungie, and we choose Dingle Dolphin Boat Tours. They charge €16 per person for a one hour trip, and there is a guarantee of your money back in the eventuality of a non-sighting. I reckon that money is fairly safe. Boarding at 11 we soon were out on the calm waters. It’s best to wear a few layers as the wind can be cool out here. We were soon treated to wonderful views back onto the town and over the bay. To the left stands Eask Tower, a 19th century tower which provided navigation to boats entering the bay

Dingle Bay
Dingle Bay
Views back on Dingle and out to sea

The prospect of a refund soon vanished (happily) as the fin of Fungie was seen cutting the water. The boats on the water work well together to get the best possible viewings, by running parallel to each other and creating a swimming tunnel between. Fungie doesn’t need an invite and duly obliged by swimming between the boats, for great sighting opportunities. It is clear that interaction with humans is high on Fungie’s daily goals. As soon as new boats entered the area, he was of to greet them into the water. It’s beautiful to watch him in action. Dolphins are on of those animals that evoke great happiness in humans, so we all left that boat with fond memories. Hands down this is top of the Dingle attractions.

Fungie in Dingle Bay
Fungie in Dingle Bay
Fungie in Dingle Bay
Our sightings of Fungie

Slea Head Drive

This Dingle peninsula Drive is one of the best circular routes one can drive in Ireland. It’s only 47 kilometres in length, but that 47 kilometres is not short on things to do. Forming part of the Wild Atlantic Way, the scenery is spectacular, and the roads paves an amazing path. Unlike the Ring of Kerry it is only advisable to go clockwise, as this is more precarious. It’s narrow, twisty and there are significant drops. Any Star Wars fans out there will be happy to know that the Last Jedi shot a scene at Cybil Head here.

As with much of Ireland travel by car is recomended. It takes a half day just to get around and take in the sights, and we had barely gone a few kilometres before stopping. An industrious teenager (got to admire is entrepreneurial spirit)was charging a few euros to feed some sheep, so the child (Beata’s inner child) beside me insisted she have a go. I would stop at every historical monument along the way so I wasn’t in a position to say no.

Beata feeding sheep and helping out that local businessman

Dunbeg Promontory Fort

Our first archaeological stop was the Dunbeg Promontory Fort. This is an iron age fort possibly built between 500-800 BC but dating has proved difficult. Parking is outside the attractive Stonehouse restaurant and a 300 metre walk takes you down the fort. The location is amazing on a rocky headland, with stunning views up and down the coast.  The fort is at the mercy of the coast and has been closed a number of times, as rock falls have condemned parts of it to the sea. Luckily we were able to enter and peer into times past and the lives of early Celtic civilisation. I can’t imagine living here on a winter’s day, it was so exposed to the elements.

Slea Head Drive
Dunbeg Promonatory Fort
Dunbeg Promonatory Fort

Fahan Beehive Huts

Once more in the car, I lasted a whole 900 metres before stopping again. This time it was for a steep walk up the hill to some beehive huts. Named for their appearance.  The huts have an admission fee of €3 and there are a succession of huts on the site. They were presumed to be single family dwellings, but dating has again proven hard. They possibly were from the 12th century, when the Irish were forced off good land by invading Normans.

You can fully explore the site both in and out of the huts. The craftsmanship was beautiful, with a lovely melody of differing stones, and corbelled roofs. There is a toilet onsite which for me made the entry price worth it alone. Not because I was bursting to go, but because of the sign within, “Dear Customer, Please shut the door or the sheep will eat toilet roll, thank you”.

Slea Head Drive
2 unruly seagulls kicking up a fuss
Slea head Drive
Beehive Huts on Slea head drive
Beehive Huts

Where road and river meet

Rounding Slea Head I was astounded to discover that I had already travelled this path, albeit as a child probably some thirty years earlier. A river flowing from the hills above crosses the road on its route to the sea, and the sight of it opened up long-lost memories in the recesses of my brain. I loved that river as a child, and it still has the same enchantment today. Incredible that with all the advancements of the last thirty years, that the powers that be possessed the insight to leave some things exactly as they were.

Slea Head Drive

Coumeenoole Beach

This stretch of the drive possesses the most fantastic sea views. Headlands and beaches indent the coast, and inland hills climb up to be mountains. We stopped to admire the sea from afar and were treated to an unusual friendship between a busker and a seagull. The gold sands of Coumeenoole Beach were our next scheduled stop, but not before lunch at Caife na Tra on the road above. The menu was quite simple but the location was magnifique, and probably gave our sandwiches some added flavour. Or maybe that was the traditional apple pie we had after.

The beach is reached by steps and is sheltered by the surrounding cliffs. It earns well its reputation as one of Ireland’s top beaches, the sand is pristine and the Atlantic waters are turquoise. We were a little weary to enter them as we found some jellyfish washed up on the beach, but a stroll along the beach had its own merits. The waves were strong and quite a few surfers were testing their mettle. Scenes from the movie Ryan’s Daughter were filmed here.

Slea Head Drive
Coumeenoole Beach
Coumeenoole Beach
Coumeenoole Beach
Views from above, below , and close up on Coumeenoole Beach

Dunquin harbour

The Blasket Islands off the coast are served by a ferry which departs from Dunquin harbour, a few kilometres on from Coumeenoole Beach. The harbour is accessed by a narrow steep path,  with a number of switchbacks to bring one to sea level below. For anyone familiar with famous Irish postcard imagery, this path is used by farmers who transport sheep to the Blasket Islands on boats. The image of the sheep lining the path is humourous and iconic. It’s usually entitled “Rush Hour in Ireland”. Here’s a link for anyone not with me.

We didn’t have the fortune of meeting sheep on the road the day we were there, and the weather once more started to turn on us. Visibility out to sea was low so we didn’t much of a glimpse of the Blaskets. The path was cool, and the jagged rocks rising from the sea are impressive. When we climbed back up again that dreaded fog was rolling back down off the mountains. Maybe I’ve watched too many Stephen King movies, but I didn’t want it coming near me.

Slea Head Drive
Dunquin Harbour
Dunquin Harbour
Dunquin Harbour
The fog was coming, possibly carrying pirate ghosts

Gallarus Oratory

With the mist now threatening our day, we passed by another impressive beach, Clogher Strand, and to our final stop on the Slea Head Drive, the Gallarus Oratory. This beautiful sandstone building is comparable to an upturned boat. It was built using the technique of corbel vaulting, but much of the building remains a mystery, such as century of construction, it’s use (it was presumed to be an oratory) and even where it got its name. It’s all quite intriguing. A five-minute walk from the car park takes you to the building. There is a visitor centre with full facilities here, and I stocked up on coffee ahead of the long drive ahead of me.

Gallarus Oratory
Gallarus Oratory

Conor Pass

Completing the full circuit I had one last goal before we set back on the 330km drive to Dublin. Conor’s Pass is a mountain pass and at an elevation of 456 metres is Ireland’s highest. It is another fond memory of childhood, I recall the day my dad drove us to the summit. The weather was wonderful that day and we all thought it was amazing. However he found the pass tough going as its a hairy single lane drive, with traffic going both ways, and huge drops to the valley floor. The summit views take in dark lakes and there is a small waterfall.

I was driven by that memory so we made the assent to the summit. But that fog was my undoing again. As we rose visibility faded till we could see nothing but the road in front of us. I can safely say meeting some cars made me nervous. If anyone found the Ring of Kerry hard driving, then this wouldn’t be for them. We had to reverse to allow cars to pass, and all in poor visibility, while a wall separates us from the afterlife. It’s no Bolivian death road, but it will test those with vertigo. Or poor reversing skills. It really made me feel for my dad all those years ago.

Planning your first Irish driving trip? Then my Essential Driving Tips in Ireland article will certainly be of help.

3 days in Kerry

All that was left to do was make the descent, and head off on the 300 km drive to Dublin. I clocked up over 900 km on my three day trip, 1.5 times the length of Ireland, and much of it through back roads. And a bucketload of memories.

If you enjoyed this article on things to see in Dingle, perhaps you would like to read more of our Kerry Trip, in Killarney and the Ring of Kerry. Three days in Kerry is the perfect staycation idea in Ireland.

Things to do in Dingle
The Dingle Peninsula - A great Ireland Staycation idea

Welcome to CarpeDiemEire

Hi, I’m John, one half of CarpeDiemEire along with my wife Beata. On the blog, we take you from city breaks, to road trips and hikes. One thing we do along the way, is live the moment. We hope to encourage you to do the same.

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66 responses

    1. Thanks Mark it was. It’s always been my favourite part of Ireland and this trip just confirmed that status. Thanks for reading.

    1. Thank you. It’s a gorgeous place. Thank you for stopping by. John

    1. It’s a gorgeous place. I have no idea about the dog. Could be a bear, I’m not sure. Or some sort of bear dog hybrid.

  1. I love it! This is on my trello board family holiday planning. Hopefully we will see this in May!! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. It’s more attraction packed than the ring of Kerry. It’s only 40km around by the peninsula but there’s so much beauty. Connor’s pass is wonderful too but the clouds took a lot away from it this visit. But it’s a scary road just to warn you.

        1. It’s probably the worst one I’ve been on in Ireland. Just for the record

  2. The scenery here is beautiful, John! Would love to visit at some point. I’ve yet to see a dolphin up close so it sounds like Fungie would be a good one for me to meet! Or at least take a million photos of from the boat.

    1. Fungie is definitely not shy so wouldn’t be hard to see. That money back guarantee is rarely taken up on. The scenery is really amazing.

  3. Ireland is so captivating John. I’m sad I didn’t make it to Dingle when I was last there, but you’ve persuaded me to return. I’ll avoid those unruly seagulls however thanks!

    1. Seagulls are the jerks of the bird world. Though I do like to photograph them. Dingle should be top of your list for a return, along with most of County Kerry.

  4. Stunning photos as Shown on all Carpedeimeire blog posts & if possible, even better info! Beata looks beautiful feeding the sheep- my husband would also have to acquiesce & stop too! Just love reading this especially on a #TravelTuesday !

    1. Thank you Cindi. This was a reworked blog, so maybe I had the chance to pad it out a bit. Glad to know it’s better. Beata certainly isn’t as used to sheep as I, they aren’t common in Hungary.

  5. Wow, I just have to visit Ireland,.. I know my hubby would love to go and golf! Your photos are incredible..and I would love that dolphin boat tour!

    1. You know we have most of the links courses in the world. I have no idea what that means, I just heard that. 😂 but we do have a lot of good courses. It’s huge here.

  6. Amazing picture!
    Last time I was in Ireland, I visited Donegal and Dublin but unfortuantely, I had 2 weeeks straight of rain. The only sunny day was the last one so I got to see Ireland from above at least from the plane back to Paris.

    Glad to see non-rainy days exists in Ireland and fingers crossed for our next visit 🙂

    1. That’s a bummer. It’s weird this place. I certainly say avoid July and August. Those months can be awful. I think we have had rain about 3 times since the start of the lockdown. But as soon as summer comes, it will be a disaster.

  7. I never actually made it to Dingle (only around the peninsula on a day tour). But what absolutely gorgeous weather you had! Such blue skies! I’m also really happy that Murphy’s ice cream made it to the top of the list of things to do in Dingle. One of my absolute favorites 🙂

    Love the photo of B feeding sheep 🙂

    1. Ice cream has to go the top of any list. Anywhere. Plus it’s nice to see the Irish craft products doing well. I know your not a drinker but I still think you would like Dingle.

  8. We absolutely LOVE Dingle and you really wrapped it all up perfectly! I’m glad to hear Fungie is still doing well and loving the visitors!! One of my mates from London had never been to Scotland or Ireland, but all over Europe and Asia. We recently went to Scotland and I’m hoping to take him on a loop around Ireland, revisiting Dingle. What a lovely area! Great photos too!

  9. I definitely have to venture beyond Dublin when I next visit Ireland. I’ll be straight back here for your recommendations when I do.

    1. If you do venture beyond Kerry is where to go. Ireland has great scenery but this goes above and beyond.

    1. Thanks a million. What an awesome Dolphin. Certainly makes photography easy.

  10. I had never heard of Dingle, and honestly cannot get over the name!! What incredible landscapes, thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh I think it means something else stateside doesn’t it. But a beautiful place for sure.

  11. What a cool trip!! I would be right there along with Beata feeding the sheep haha. Looks like Connor Pass wouldn’t belong on my itinerary though, I have terrible reversing skills..

    1. Then best not to reverse. Let whoever is coming do it. 😂

  12. Looks absolutely stunning, and a little reminiscent of Scotland in some ways. I love the sound of the Wild Atlantic Way. Must have been a very nostalgic trip for you, with all those memories flooding back 🙂

    1. It was. I don’t know why I left it so long. I would be happy with a month to do the full Wild Atlantic Way. So much to see.

    1. Well when you do look me up. And if you need that endorsement. I think the landscape Is very different to what you usually see.

  13. Dingle is so beautiful! I quite like the mist, it gives it a dramatic and otherworldly feel to it. Also, dolphins!

  14. What a beautiful area to explore. I would really like to go on the dolphin boat tour. I love the ocean, the sea creatures and seeing the town from the water. It’s so special.

  15. Another great post John! You succeeded at transporting me there and it seems like a wonderful place if they have good seafood, pubs and gorgeous landscapes like the bay. I had no idea there were dolphins in Ireland or called Fungie. That is so interesting!

    1. Ah yeah we are surrounded by seas and oceans. It’s a good place for whale watching too. Just not a good place to swim with them. Waters too cold. 😃

  16. Wow…this is a very stunning drive. I want to replicate every single thing on this itinerary when I visit. Gorgeous photos! Pinning for later!

  17. Ice cream, the ocean and boats. How can you go wrong. The dolphin story is really cute.

    1. You can’t. It’s a great story and it’s clear he has a thing for people. You really couldn’t write it.

  18. While I was reading your blog, I already thought what a perfect place for photography and a roadtrip. I heard amazing things about this place and reading your blog solidified my goal to visit Dingle Peninsula one day. What a stunning place!

    I wonder how many accidents happened at Conor Pass. Glad you guys made it home safe and sound.

    1. I don’t think many. None that make the news anyway. Is it odd I like roads like that. Makes you feel alive

  19. What a fab post John! It looks beautiful and like there’s so much to do. All the history, the food and even a dolphin! What more could you want from a roadtrip 🙂

    1. Thats the Irish way. Trust me when times are good, a lot more than 2000 people are in those pubs.

  20. This is great John! So much detailed info! The more of your posts that I read, the more I think Lee and I need to head back over to Ireland b/c there is so much more to see and do!

    1. There’s always so much more to do isn’t there. My bucket list in Ireland is neverending. Nor would I want it to. That would be a sad day. Pints on me when you come.

  21. This was a wonderful vicarious trip – especially love your photos, as always! Beata is so beautiful – her smile with the sheep is lovely 🙂 Have clients heading to Ireland and ALL of your posts are so enjoyable and helpful – THANK YOU SO MUCH!