Marrakech is the perfect city for a short break. It’s compact centre and attractions are easily seen over a 3 days in Marrakech Itinerary or over a long weekend in Marrakech. However you don’t visit Marrakech, you experience it. It’s an absolute cliché but the city is a treat for the senses. What follows is a guide for those travelling to the city for the very first time. As part of a full Morocco itinerary, Marrakech is indeed the perfect place to start.
From the moment you step off the plane into the shadow of its modern airport, you actually feel as if you are wonderland. The airport blends traditional stylings with a vast arrivals hall, that would perhaps seem more at home in Singapore. It’s not the Marrakech you expect but it’s an inviting welcome.
This blog is a 20 minute read.
First Impressions of Marrakech
Our night-time drive from the Airport was the mayhem we did expect. The soon to be familiar sound of motorbikes beeping and whizzing by on all sides makes you glad you took a transfer and didn’t rent. The closer you get to the centre the more anarchic it seems, especially at roundabouts where the correct lane seems an afterthought to most drivers. Amazingly the cars had few visible dents. Its loud and chaotic and exactly how I hoped.
Houses are a far cry from the British Isles, all squares and rectangles and with the smallest of windows. Some tease too with Moroccan designs. The walls of the old town loom before the approach enters through one of its many gates. What followed was a feeling of awe, as one of the most iconic sights of Marrakech shines brilliantly, the Katoubia mosque, a beacon for all who inhabit this city as much as those who travel to it. It’s lights provided an effervescent contrast with the black still of night.
Disclosure; This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. While clicking these links won’t cost you any money, it will help keep this site going and me travelling. Thank you for your support.
Arriving in Marrakech
However before you start to revel in the city’s pleasures the aforementioned airport will hold you back. As you disembark the plane and enter the terminal prepare yourself for a huge queue as you approach passport control. We waited 1 hour and 20 minutes winding our way through. Above all do not forget to fill out a landing card as all visitors have to, and its good practice to bring a pen. You will need to provide details of where you stay so have the address at hand.
I was drawn in by the impressive designs of the airport and especially by the rather mysterious looking entrance below. Funnily it turned to be a bathroom, which as it emerged was exactly what I needed at that time.

Currency exchange
After emigration you then enter the sprawling arrivals hall. It’s advisable to exchange your money here, rates are better than in the city. Do not accept the offer of some of your money on a MasterCard, take it all in cash, as credit cards are not widely accepted throughout the city (damn rookie mistake that I made). Cash is king here and tourist attractions, many restaurants, and obviously the markets and stalls will not accept cards as payment. It is also not permitted to take currency with you as you leave the country.
Exchange rates as of May 2020
10.67 dirhams= 1 Euro
9.87 dirhams= 1 Dollar
12.05 dirhams= 1 Pound
Marrakech airport to city
Once you have left the airport you have a number of options through which to get to the city. Menara airport isn’t actually far from the city. Bus 19 which runs from morning to-night will cost you 30 dirhams and take you to Jemaa el-Fna. Taxis charge in the region of 100 dirhams nut be sure to agree a price before. We preferred to take a hotel transfer, organised through our Riad in advance. It cost €15 but we were brought directly to the door and arriving in a city at night can often be a tricky task.
Riads- An essential part of every Marrakech itinerary
We followed best advice when booking where to stay in Marrakech and skipped hotels to focus on Riads. There are quite a few to consider. A riad is usually a former palace or large house that has been renovated and subsequently converted to create lodging. They are focused on an internal courtyard, which often contain fountains or swimming pools. The optimum location for any Riad is within the confines of the old city walls in the Medina, which gives easy access to the market also.
We choose Riad Palais Sebban, and it’s location was perfect. The perfection didn’t stop at the location, as it’s decor completely dazzled us. Centred around three patios each different from the other, it blended African and Asian stylings with Moroccan art. It’s amazing how much Moroccan culture you absorb simply by staying in a traditional riad. We engaged in a Moroccan cooking class during our stay there, and relaxed with a hammam massage. A three night stay cost us €386. I covered our stay at Riad Palais Sebban in detail in my blog, Why you must stay at a riad in Marrakech, and I advise you to check it out if you are researching accommodation in Marrakech. Its exactly how to start a Marrakech itinerary.
There are some top class hotels in the city too such as the Royal Mansour and La Mamounia, if you are looking for an upmarket offering with Moroccan stylings. Both have exceptional reviews.

Tips for safely navigating the city
Before you hit the streets its best to pay heed to these travel tips, that should guide you on your 3 days in Marrakech.
The medina of Marrakech is compact and enclosed completely within the walls. That means that it’s easily navigated by foot. I used Google Maps to get around and it should be noted that it proved up to the task even in the maze-like souks. On the morning of our first full day there we took to the streets, to get our bearings and soak up that most authentic of atmospheres. I suggest an approach with an open mind, particularly for anyone who has yet to visit a city of this ilk. After one day in Marrakech it can seem daunting. It’s a manic place, but just the right level of manic.
Some level of wits are needed about you. The Moroccans are a wonderful welcoming people, but there are also those who will look to provide a service for money, whether it’s a welcome one or not. Give the impression you know where you are going, even if like I, you always don’t, as they will look to bring you where they want for money. You do need to be assertive.
I feel it necessary to say I witnessed no crime in the time there, and there is a good police presence found on the streets too. The crime level against tourists is quite low and the city is both considered and ranked as being safe. As in any city it is best to avoid political rallies. Police officers and security personnel need to be respected and quite importantly, taking photos of them is not prohibited. This is particularly true around political institutions, where it is aggressively enforced.
Respect Muslim Traditions
Morocco is a Muslim country predominantly and their laws and traditions need to be respected. Mosques in Marrakech can only be entered by Muslims. A good general rule of thumb is to dress conservatively, with ladies covering shoulders, and with dresses to be below knee-length. This is not enforced but I always feel it is responsible travel to respect the ideologies of countries we are guests in.
The roads are something of a menace and diligence is advised when crossing. In some of the narrower streets near the Jewish quarter motorbikes will fizz by you and alertness is very important. It’s difficult to know who has right of way, so best to give way.
Take care of the many caliches (horse drawn carriages) that are around the city. We booked one on our final day. We were a bit disturbed to realise that our horses looked rather malnutrioned, and were even more disturbed that we hadn’t realised it before the ride. I can’t say for certain all are like that but it was very disappointing to see.
Water is not potable in Morocco, so you should only drink bottled water. Take care when getting ice in drinks, or when eating fruit and veg that may have been washed by tap water.

With the right approach of caution and respect Marrakesh can be savoured and the city will leave a long-lasting impression. It's the following experiences of your Marrakech 3 day itinerary that make the city unforgettable.
What to do in Marrakech
Koutoubia Mosque
The Koutoubia Mosque cannot be entered but don’t let that detract from it. It’s the centre of religion and the most impressive piece of architecture in Marrakesh. Originally constructed in the 12th century, the mosque is divided into six rooms. But its sight that most who are non-muslim will come to see is the domineering minaret. It stands 77 metres tall and dominates the Moroccan skyline. Its impressive sandstone surface contains carvings, and it is also topped by a spire and copper balls. No structure in Marrakech is permitted to be higher than this minaret.
To the left of the Minaret lies the ruins of the old mosque, now merely a foundation. We walked beyond the mosque to the gardens, which were dominated by enormous palm trees. We didn’t venture far in but the park is known for its rose bushes. It’s small fountains also give a beautiful view when looking back at the minaret.

Jemaa el-Fna
The Jemaa el Fna square by daytime is not the main square we anticipated. Largely deserted of vendors its vast open area is quiet. The route from the mosque will take you by the Caleches, horse-drawn carriages that will take you on a tour of the city walls. As you cross the square you can expect to be accosted. Colourful water vendors in red traditional robes, ring bells to attract buyers. Furthermore, monkey trainers if you walk close enough, will try to put their primate pals on your shoulders for a photo. The monkeys are secured by thick chains and its cruel so I suggest to steer clear. The monkey trainers are juxtaposed by the snake charmers drawing you in by the rhythmic playing of flutes.The music is used to pull in open-mouthed spectators, rather than encourage a snake to rise from a basket.
The border of the market near the souks is populated by the henna ladies and juice vendors. The henna ladies will spiral their authentic designs on your hand but be wary of poor quality henna. Black henna is not natural and can cause reactions. The juice vendors were a lively bunch and every time we passed they struck up a pitch. They sell good quality orange and pomegranate juice, but be diligent it isn’t mixed with tap water. For some reason they took to calling Beata Shakira; we couldn’t see the resemblance but we did see the funny side.

Night Market
When you come back at night to the market its as if you entered a different world. Wood fires burn around and the pleasant smell fills your nostrils. Smoke rises into the heavens. Drums and the sound of music fills the night air. It’s here especially that your senses are alerted to their highest level. A stroll through the market now, brings you in contact with crowds absorbed in entertainment. Bands play traditional music on unfamiliar instruments. Acrobats tumble and somersault to joyful onlookers. Berber storytellers regail attentive ears. We couldn’t understand their tales but their ancient art was appreciated.
We were taken aback by the squares transformation. Those empty spaces from the daytime now filled with food stalls and seating. Traditional Moroccan cuisine is naturally the produce pedaled. Food was diverse and ranged from staples such as tagines to the more exotic roasted sheep head. Yes full sheep head, Apparently it isn’t bad. If I hadn’t already eaten I might have been tempted. Unfortunately the stalls come with tags as well about food poisoning, but some good rules are: eat where the locals eat; avoid vegetables that may have been washed in water and have their skins on; and eat at the busy places. Stomach problems have been known to have an adverse affect on a holiday. If you don’t fancy the market food check my section later on where to eat.

Souks and back streets
If you want to head where the action is at in Marrakesh, the hustle and bustle of the souks is it. Selling all manner of authentic Moroccan goods from leather bags, crockery, hand-woven garments, lamps, to teapots, here is where you will find your little piece of Marrakesh to take home. The souks are a maze and its hard to advise on where the best shops are found, it’s merely a case of wandering and seeing what you find. Google Maps for me was the best means to find your way back out, and I downloaded the maps offline should the connection drop.
Even if shopping isn’t your gig a walk through the souks and to the narrow streets beyond is a visual delight, full of vibrant colours and authentic sights. If you are planning on taking photographs, ask first, some of the vendors will be open, but others may take offence or ask you to buy something.
The key to successful shopping in the souks is haggling. I’ll be honest neither of us were the greatest but gave it a go. Everything is priced with it in mind. As soon as you approach a stall the sellers will instigate their pitch. I don’t know how many times we were the first customer of the day, but they are polished salesmen. Amazing considering English is their fourth language.
Once they suggest you name your price that’s when the game is afoot. A rule of thumb is that the asking price of things is three times that of the expected price. If you don’t get the price you want, walk away, don’t overpay. More often than not this is the move that seals the deal, as they will give in and match your price. We took home a Moroccan lamp, teapot, some crockery from Fez, and fridge magnets for practically everyone we know.

One of the main ways that Marrakesh plays with your senses is in the smells that permeate throughout. On Jemaa el-Fna the wood fires tinge your nostrils. But as you walk though the streets of the Medina you are met by the rich fragrances of spices. Spices are an integral part of Moroccan cuisine and the stacked piles of spices an iconic image. The herbs and spices that are commonly used in Moroccan cuisine are salt, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, paprika, saffron and turmeric. It’s an olfactory adventure to walk trough the streets.
At one stall a seller asked us to smell a jar of what he claimed was eucalyptus. It had a strong pleasant smell. He then added water and when we inhaled it completely invaded our sinus. Remarkable stuff. The spices add so much colour to what is already an aesthetic city. Of course they are on sale everywhere and there are no restrictions on taking them out of the country.
We left the country with a question. How do they stack the spices like that? So I put the question to instagram. The best answer I got and the one I’m going with was “with glue and a wizards hat”.

Le Jardin Secret
Le Jardin Secret is a riad with ornamental gardens. It was originally built in the Saadian period of the 15th century before falling into ruin, but was revitalised in the 19th in what was a renaissance of ideas and architecture. The riad underwent many changes of hands, and has been occupied by many of Marrakesh’s influential figures, before falling once more into ruin in the 20th century. Early in this century efforts were made to return it to its former glory.
The jardin is in fact two riads. Entry costs 50 dirhams with a further 30 to enter the tower (5 or 8 Euro). The gardens contain plant species from all over the world, with the Islamic garden laid out according to strict geometric rules. It is to show Islams assertion over nature. There is a beautiful blend between architecture and nature on show. The first garden contains a pond with turtles; turtles are perceived as good luck. The second garden is centred on a pavilion, with the riad sporting a large tower, that is as high as some of the cities minarets.
The gardens are worth a diversion, with the greenery being refreshing after having strolled the confined spaces of the souks. The plants are quite exotic, the turtles are cute, and the architecture amazing. There is a cafe should you wish to take a break and enjoy the views, but we found the service a little absent.

Majorelle Gardens
These botanical gardens don’t owe their fame to the French artist who created and designed them over several decades from the 20’s through the 60’s. They instead owe that to the French designer Yves Saint Laurent who purchased and restored them in the 80’s. Taking their name from Jacques Majorelle, who settled here after moving from France, they became his life work. Growing from a 4 acre plot in a palm grove, and developed around a cubist villa (an avant garde movement of the 20th century), the gardens are expertly landscaped, with exotic plants and water features throughout.
In 1947 the doors of the gardens were opened to the public, to fund their continued development. Unfortunately love conquered his ambition to keep them going, or lack of, as a costly divorce forced him to sell the gardens. Years of neglect followed before Yves Saint Laurent stepped in to save the day.
“For many years, I have found in the Majorelle garden an inexhaustible source of inspiration and I have often dreamed of its colors which are unique”.
Yves Saint Laurent
Visiting the Jardin Majorelle
The Jardin Majorelle are now run by a not for profit trust after taking them over following his death. Playing host to an Islamic Art Museum, as well as a Berber Museum and the recent addition of the Yves Saint Laurent Museum, there is much to see besides the gardens. The gardens are defined by the majorelle blue, the colour that can be found throughout. Opening times are between 8 and 530/ 7 days per week, with slightly reduced hours during Ramadan. Entry to the gardens is 70 dirhams, and an extra 30 to visit the Berber museum. Tickets are available online, and queues are generally long so this is advisable. Its quieter at the latter end of the day. The gardens are located 2.5 km outside of the Medina.
Bahia Palace
The Bahia Palace is the most ornate of the palaces within the city of Marrakech. Constructed in the 19th century, it was the largest and most impressive palace in all of Morocco. Finished in 1867 it was to be the home of Si Moussa, who was the chamberlain of Sultan Hassan 1 of Morocco. His son Ahmed Ben Moussa would succeed him in position and in the palace. He enlarged it significantly. After his death the Sultan of Morocco ordered the looting of the palace and all furniture was removed.
However what remains is more than worthy of a visit. It is located in the south-east of the Medina near the Jewish quarter. We visited here on our second day, and caution must be paid in the streets surrounding, owing to the sheer volume of motorbikes using the small avenues. Entry is 70 dirhams, which seems the standard for attractions in Marrakesh.
Highlights of a visit
So why is it worthy of a visit. Because it’s always best to never forget to look up. The detail in the Bahai Palace is incredible. Each room (and there are many) has a ceiling that betters the last, and its mesmerizing to see. The entrance takes you past a grove of lemon and lime trees, and from there once you enter the palace, waymarked arrows help you discover all four corners. As with all homes in Morocco they are centred on a courtyard with a fountain, and the Bahai Palace doesn’t disappoint in this. It’s courtyard is one of the most picturesque in all of Marrakesh, from the ground tiles, the pavilion on either side and huge palm trees providing a backdrop.
If you can pull away from the crowds the Bahia Palace is where you will find that perfect photo surrounded by Moroccan architecture. Other than that you must simply take delight in its many magnificent rooms.

Ben Youssef Madrasa
The Ben Youssef Madrasa was the largest Islamic college in Marrakech. Built during the reign of Abdallah al-Ghalib in the 16th century, it is an astonishing building, rich in the architecture of the time. The madrasa encircles a very impressive courtyard, with a shallow pool at its centre. the reflections ensure its all the more impressive. From carved ceilings, to stucco covered arches, to colourful tile work, the Madrasa was built to impress. Closed since 1960 as a college, it was subsequently converted into a tourist sight. The Madrasa has been closed for the last number of years undergoing renovation work, but was due to open in 2020. Entry will of course cost 70 dirhams when it does.
The Kasbah Marrakech
On our final day in Marrakech we subsided to the Caleches and agreed to take a tour of the new town and the city walls. The new town while attractive was not what we had come to Morocco to see, lacking real identity. the return to the historical charms of the town walls was a welcome one. The entrance to the Kasbah is next to Bab Agnaou.
Sights of the Kasbah
The Medina is completely enclosed by red sandstone walls, which were first constructed in the 12th century, and helped to give the city its red city title. The walls extend for 19 kilometres, stand 5 metres tall, and have 20 gates. The most beautiful gate on the walls is Bab Agnaou, shaped like a horseshoe, and is a great place to see the famed storks of Marrakesh. We were lucky enough to see a mother and chick in nest.

We had intended to visit the Kasbah and now found ourselves here. As the oldest part of the city, it has quite some character, and a some beautiful historical sites to see. It’s certainly well worth making the stroll of just over a kilometre from Jemaa el-Fna. Full of trendy cafes and street food vendors, and a rousing atmosphere, you should rock this kasbah. Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself.
Dominating the centre of the Kasbah is the Moulay El yazid Mosque. With it’s very attractive minaret, the mosque is one of the main visual draws to the area. It dates from around 1190. As with all Marrakesh mosques non-muslim entry is forbidden.

Saadian Tombs Marrakech
One of the main draws to the Kasbah are the Saadian Tombs. These are actually part of the Kasbah mosque, which makes it all the more unusual that entry is permitted. The Saadian tombs date from the Saadian period of the 16th century. A number of sultans burial tombs can be found within the site. Entry costs €6 which gives access to the full area. There are a number of tombs scattered around, which are of servants and guards of the dynasty. Again the tile work is breathtaking, especially around the doors of the area.
To see the main draw, the Hall of the Twelve Columns, you can expect a long queue. We waited in line for twenty minutes. But the opulence ensures the wait is justified. You are only allowed to peer into the room, which is the burial-place of the members of the Saadian dynasty. The room contains marble tombs and delicate stucco work. You will only have a fleeting chance to appreciate with such a mass of people behind you, but its enough to impress. This is instagrammable Marrakech at its best.

Badi Palace Marrakech
The Badi Palace is an enormous ruin of a Saadian palace. It also dates from the 16th century, and was built in celebration of a victory over a Portuguese army. What remains nowadays are significant derelict buildings, large exterior walls, and a large garden surrounded by orange trees. Any riches it held were stripped out in the nineteenth century.
This was the time when my earlier decision to accept dirhams on a credit card backfired on me. The entry fee of 70 dirhams per person can only be paid in cash, and I was penniless (or whatever the Moroccan equivalent is). Being a Sunday all the cash exchange points were closed, and any ATM i found in the Kasbah, emptied of any money. So I only got as far as the entrance. Which looked nice. But that’s as far as my guide can take you. As I always say its great to have a reason to come back.

Doorways- A perfect part of a Marrakech Itinerary
If there is one thing that will catch your eye throughout Marrakesh, its how every doorway, archway and entrance way is decorated. It makes strolling the streets a delight, as any can produce a surprise. The simplest of building often has the most detailed of decoration. These are some of the many which caught my eye.

Street Art
Street art wasn’t the easiest to come by in Marrakech, maybe laws are more prohibitive. But you can’t keep good street art down. In the heart of the souks, the spice square, besides being the ideal place for buying spices, is also a pocket for those seeking creative freedom. My favourite is the photo below, “il etait une foi…” or once upon a time… for me the perfect anecdote for what is a fairytale city.

The Moroccan Sun
So we are all aware of the sun, but in Marrakesh its plays its own part in the experience of every tourist. Watching the sunset from the rooftop of your riad, or one of the many restaurants around the city is one of the quintessential Moroccan experience. The sun lights the red city in a complimentary glow. Whenever I found myself near the Koutoubia Mosque, the light always spilled the longest of shadows.

Where and what to eat
We played it safe for most of our trip only dining in the recommendations that we received prior to the trip. All passed with flying colours so I’m happy to pass them on.
Moroccan cuisine is laden with spice and flavour. The most obvious examples of Moroccan foods are cous cous, tagines, pastilla and harira, with lamb, chicken and beef heavily consumed. Mint tea is the typical drink consumed with most meals. The following restaurants all serve Moroccan cuisine.
Nomad Restaurant:
is located just off spice square in the souks. It is famed for its views as much as its food, and a reservation is recommended, if you aspire to have a rooftop table. Service is impeccable and friendly, the best we had in Marrakesh. The food is a fusion of western and Moroccan cuisine, and we started with the vegetarian pastilla, before mains of spicy chicken in apricots and dates, and grilled lamb chop with courgette, spiced potatoes and harissa, and a side of cous cous. The food was fantastic, the cappuccino was the best I had in Morocco, and the views….

Cafe des Epices:
Is also found on Spice Square and the top floors give a birdseye view of the bustle below. For me this is the perfect lunchtime pit stop, so much so we went twice. Serving a mixture of salads, soups and sandwiches, it will get you back onto those streets again quickly. I cannot fault the kefta sandwich or the Paris Marrakesh Burger. 50-60 dirhams will cover the cost of one lunch here.

Riad Palais Sebban:
Our Riad offered the chance to partake in a Moroccan cookery course, and we were up to the challenge. So one day we cooked up our own dinner of a berber salad, tagine, and Moroccan dessert. If you want to see how we got on, check out my blog on Riad Palais Sebban.
La Cantine des Gazelles:
was one of our lunch options. Located south of Jemaa el- Fna it served the best tagine we had in Marrakech. The space is colourful and the price range bordered on budget. The tagine plates arrived steaming hot at the table and were served with cous cous.

The call to prayer from the mosques
As I said the city of Marrakech is a treat for the senses. The colours and architecture tease the eyes, the food and wood fires stimulate the nostrils, the souks tantalised your touch, the food fires your taste buds, but what about your hearing? It’s not left out. At regular intervals throughout the day the call to prayer from the mosques can be heard. It always stymied our interest, until we sat on the rooftop of Nomad restaurant. Then our interest was heightened. Not because it was a rooftop.
The call to prayer is done by a Muezzin who calls the Adhan, for the record. It is a notable position to hold. First the call to prayer started from one mosque, before it spread throughout the city, as mosque after mosque started their own call to prayer. One look around the restaurant in the glow of the setting sun and I could tell that everyone was as enchanted by it as we were. Forks lay on plates and all sat and listened, entranced. Perhaps this single moment will be the one that will linger longest in my memory of Marrakech. It had a raw hold on all those that beheld it.
Marrakech tours for your itinerary
Sometimes the best thing to do in a city is to leave the city and take a tour to the outskirts. There are countless excellent tours running from the city which can all be booked through Get Your Guide. The city is easily seen in 3 days so those with 4 days in Marrakech would be well advised to consider some day trips from Marrakech.
- Hot air balloon ride. These half day excursions usually travel close to Marrakech with views across the Atlas Mountains
- Tours of the high Atlas Mountains
- Marrakech desert tours by 4*4
- 3-day camel ride tours from Marrakech to the Sahara desert
- Day long tours to the spectacular Ouzoud Falls
- Villages to the desert towns of Ouarzarate and Ait Benhaddou
- Day Trip to the seaside resort of Essaouira
- For those short on time there are four hour there are tours and activities in the nearby Palmaeria region. We did a camel riding tour which was exceptional and one of the highlights of the trip. Follow the link for more information.
Our Marrakech itinerary ensured we had the perfect three days in the city. Its a city I would return to without hesitation, and I highly recommend it for anyone.

83 responses
Great story and pictures again. It makes me want to go see Morocco. But I suppose it would not be wise to ask for a cobra on your head. 🙂
Thank you. It seems to be a beautiful country from the taste I got. Judging by the snake charmers fear of the cobra, I’m thinking one on the head would be an awful idea. Thanks for stopping by. John
Really enjoyed the Morocco and Marakesh blogs. I’m surprised you wern’t allowed into the mosques. In Turkey they welcomed everyone muslims and non-muslims alike provided you showed respect for their traditions particularly dress. I’ll have to add Marrakesh to the list of places to our next European itinerary. Thanks again, great read!
As far as I know the only mosque you can enter in Morocco is in Casablanca. But what can you do, that’s their wishes and you have to respect it. It’s a fine city with lots to see besides. Thanks so much for reading. John
Really great guide, you really made me feel like I was back in Marrakech for a moment. Very interesting reading about the Jemma El-Fna at night time. I was there during Ramadan and whilst there was some action it was never too full on. I left feeling like I need to return and see it again and this guide had made that an even more pressing issue. I realise now there is even more than I thought left to see. Keep up the great work John!!
Adam @
Thanks Adam. It’s funny you say that because I’m left with the same feeling. I covered a lot of the city, but with some attractions closed (or where I didn’t have money 😡) I missed some I had really wanted to see. And then there’s the desert…. thank you so much for reading. Hope being home is treating you ok.
What a thoughtful and thorough post – and with such stunning photos, as always!! xx
Thank you. It’s my most detailed post yet that’s sure. I don’t mean to pat my own back but I struggled to keep the keep the number of photos down. It was all so photogenic. More Marrakesh’s fault than my skills. Thank you though. As always appreciate you taking the time to read. John
An informative post – thank you! 🙂
Thank you for reading. I always appreciate you calling on my blog
Great read! We’ve done a very similar itinerary and loved it.
I think this is the first timers itinerary. Should have called it that.
This is totally fantastic, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more influenced to visit somewhere! It looks the perfect mix of exotic, interesting and beautiful! I absolutely can’t wait to visit some day and will be referring back to this guide for sure. Thanks for sharing. Melis
You are too kind. It’s all those things and more. With good food in the mix. I’m delighted to influence you, these Marrakesh blogs are the closest I’ve felt to channeling what I want to be as a blogger and it’s great to hear feedback that is so positive. You helped make my day. John
Marrakesh has always intrigued me! I saw it on an episode of House Hunters years back and loved how the housing focused on courtyards. So cool that they turn these places into lodging for travelers!!
I’ve heard a lot of mixed thoughts about Morocco but I really like this post. The way you drop useful tips in there is very good like watching out for tap water in the juice. This could ruin your trip if they slip it in! ♥️
I heard some funny stories about it all. I had a friend who was there and a guy called him over and said “come eat, I promise no diarrhoea”. Lol.
I read a lot of mixed opinions too but found them to be unfounded, or at least in my experience. Just keep your sensibilities about you. Thanks for reading and following
Oh no! That’s one way to get you in to the restaurant 😂
I adored Marrakesh when I was there this time last year. What a wonderful city. Your post captures what an incredible city it is. We were at Jemaa el-Fna almost every night we were in the city.
It’s an amazing place. So vibrant. Jemaa el-Fna was so wonderful, it really was as if from literature. Thanks for reading
Have you ever thought about writing travel books? You are an incredible writer! I always wondered how they got those stacks of spices too! They truly are one of the first things I think of when I think of Marrakesh. I will definitely listen to your safe food suggestions and thank your friends who suggested it too! I hadn’t heard of Bahai Palace but it is beautiful.
I would love to write travel books, what a dream that would be. Have I thought, no, maybe a little. I certainly neglected my creative side for too long. Thank you, you made my day/ night whatever it is now. I really wished I had asked about the spices, as now I’m going to have to go back to find out. Damn. The whole city enchanted me. It was all so beautiful.
The pictures are just stunning, and now I am wondering if I should add Marrakesh to my 2019 MUST LIST! So far Iceland and somewhere in Africa for elephants (I’m thinking South Africa) have made the cut. Even the hotel pic is just gorgeous, John, and I love the glowing ‘portals’ at the airport. I am a sucker for stuff like that too.
Night markets always get me. I become entranced–like you mention, the transformation from a day space to night stalls is neat–and I just love the magic of good food, fun finds, and people watching. Night markets are the epitome of culture to me. Indonesia had some secret night markets in the hills, and those are some of my fondest memories–they just make me feel at home.
The spices remind me of markets in Istanbul! Aren’t the spices amazing?
So glad I finally had a chance to take a break from Christmas and check out this post!
You have a varied year ahead. Marrakesh would slot nicely into that too. It’s about halfway between Iceland and South Africa too, not that it makes any difference.
I adored the culture in Marrakesh I was so taken by it. I was cautious travelling there, more so for the wife than myself, but she was equally impressed. From what I know of you, I have no doubts you will be too. We even had Moroccan wine in the hotel, which was interesting for a Muslim country. I left that out, update needed.
The spices were amazing, it’s said that the Moroccans introduced them to Europe. We did a cookery course and really appreciated how much spices are a part of their cuisine.
Hope the Christmas was great and thanks for reading.
Wow what an informative and wonderful posts with so many great pictures. Will definitely be forwarding to my parents as they are thinking about booking this year and I know they would find this so helpful. Great work!
Such beautiful pictures and great experiences! Now I must go there. Those snakes–the fat ones looked like rattlesnakes, but I saw no rattles. Maybe they’re a relative. One thing that struck me is how clean the place looks. The people must take great pride in their city.
You have to. I’ll be honest I’m Irish, snakes wouldn’t be our speciality. I could tell the cobra by his menacing darts but that’s about it. Big ones scary small ones ok.
The city was quite the fascinating one and comes highly recommended. The locals really did respect and love where they live. Thanks for reading.
Awesome post! Really captures the sights and sounds of Marrakesh. Too much so in the case of the snakes…eeeesh! The new look of your blog is gorgeous, by the way. This is a great guide giving all the info needed to explore the city. I can’t believe you crammed so much into 3 days, including the camel ride. Love your appreciation of Moroccan architecture, which I share!
Thanks Cynthia. It’s not a huge city so 3 days can see a lot. I struggle a little with slow travel. It’s also been said to me in choice words before that I never know when to stop walking. It’s completely true of course. Beata has the same problem when shopping.
Moroccan architecture was mind blowing and there was something new around every corner which made exploring delightful. Definitely pencil in a visit at some stage, I know I would love to return.
Definitely John, Morocco is really high on my wish list! Even more so after reading about your visit!
Really enjoyable read, wonderful photos and great tips to inspire a weekend city break.
Thank you. I would be delighted to inspire a few people to visit Marrakesh. The city certainly inspired me. Thanks for dropping by and reading
What a wonderful post!! Morocco is definitely bucket list worthy, and you’ve shared such a great overview of Marrakech as well as good tips for visitors. Not sure I want a snake on my forehead… but we’ll see how brave I get whenever I get to visit 😉
Thank you. I wasn’t sure if I wanted a snake on my forehead but that’s where it ended up. You go with the flow. I wouldn’t want the cobra there. 😱. It’s a great city and I would love to return someday.
Great post! I visited Marrakesh a couple of years ago now and I will say it was a bit much for me. You describe it as the perfect level of manic but for me it was definitely manic overload! I wasn’t keen on Jemaa el-Fna and didn’t like seeing the animal cruelty there. There is no doubt that visiting Marrakesh it is a true cultural experience though! I’d definitely agree about staying in a riad, the architecture in Morocco is stunning. Personally though, I prefer my cities a little less chaotic. Thanks for sharing!
But there is a problem Credit care are not widely accepted.
Cash is definitely king there. I did get caught out on this myself.
Wow this looks like my kind of place. Amazing architecture and the food looks fabulous. Not sure about the snakes but I’d put up with them for everything else. Have made a note of your tips about money exchange, very useful 🙂
The snakes are hard to find so I wouldn’t worry about them too much. They won’t bother you.
What a perfect itinerary, there literally isn’t anything you haven’t covered – great for planning a trip to Morocco. I haven’t yet been but will one day and would definitely stay in a road over a hotel. I love the romance of the courtyards and fountains and intricate designs – wonderful. I have been to Egypt and Tunisia and hated the markets – quite a scary experience however I couldn’t miss out on the snake charmers so would have to give it a go. Pinned for future reference. Thanks.
The souks were a bit full on here, but they are nowhere near as much so as in Egypt. That’s so full on. I paid to have the snakes put on my head, but couldn’t decide if it’s ethically right, so I left out of blog.
I really loved how detailed and descriptive is this guide! Marrakech is a very unique city with so much history and tradition. Amazing post
Thank you.
Amazing post! And what wonderful memories. I stayed at Riad Palais Sebban last year and I wonder if it was from your recommendation from your other post! Also, nomad was an amazing restaurant.
Really enjoyed reading this 🙂
It was my recommendation. I remember that now. Nomad was a fantastic. What about that view.
Your photos and your exotic words just brightened my day. I’m so happy that Europe has a lot of North African influences spicing up our everyday life. Of course, it’ll never be as colourful as on-site — as your post shows. Gorgeous!
There’s no doubting it’s colourful. You aren’t far away from Morocco now, perhaps a future trip beckons for you.
I’ve always been fascinated by Moroccan architecture – in fact Morocco was going to be my summer vacation this year but we’ve had to push it. I cannot wait to immerse myself in Marrakech and experience the authenticity of the city. Thank you for the great tips!
Very welcome Yara. It’s a shame you had to push the holidays back. You’ll love it when you get there.
The riad you stayed in is absolutely beautiful. Such amazing architecture in it as well as around the city. I’m amazed that the airport is so modern. I would love to go through the markets and take in all the sights and sounds. Thanks for all the tips, they are very helpful.
Cheers Leeanne. The riad was out of this world. We found it so hard to leave. If that’s all there was in the city, we would have been well happy.
Enjoyed reading your post, John, wow, what a comprehensive guide. You even squeezed in street art!
Brings back plenty of fond memories.
Ben Youssef Madrasa, the night market, and the spice souk were our favourites.
Well the street art fell along my route. Thanks for reading buddy.
I definitely need to stay in a Riad now! Seems like experiential traveling at it’s finest.
It is. There’s no other way to do Morocco.
What a beautiful and detailed post! I felt transported to the bustling markets. I would love to just wander the markets, streets and take a ton of photos of the doors and architecture. That is really cool that nothing can be built taller than the minaret. Can you climb up to the top of it? I’m excited to visit for myself one day!
You aren’t allowed into the minaret. It’s part of the mosque so no non-Muslims. They say a horse can ride up it. Can’t say if that’s the case though.
Riad Palais Sebban looks so beautiful! In fact, all of the places here do. I know I would be absolutely rubbish at haggling. I would probably end up overpaying just to avoid it haha.
It’s tough this haggling business. Best advice just walk away. Think that’s how we got everything. We weren’t the best either.
With all this time on my hands I’m using it to do a lot of research into my bucket list Africa trip. A portion of that was wanting to visit Morocco so this is a great guide to get me on my way, and so good to know that 3 says is a decent amount of time in Marrakech
It’s the ideal time, and I imagine you’ll see and eat all you want. Where else do you want to visit?
Great guide and lovely photos. Pinned it to have it handy for my first trip to Morroco.
This is a delightful post, and reminds me of our awesome time in Marrakech. The architecture is awesome, and we really enjoyed the gardens and the delicious food too!
Fabulous photos and information for anyone wanting to visit this intriguing city. I think I’d like that architecture and those markets! Beautiful doorways too! Seems like a photographers heaven!
It is. So much architectural beauty. They really know how to decorate.
This is a brilliant ultimate guide to Marrakesh. We are so keen to go back!! Love the whole country! Will visit some of the places you have mentioned that we did not get to last time! Especially would love to stay in that stunning riad. In the meantime, loving all the beautiful photos
The riad was perfection and the real icing on a perfect cake. I have a lot to go back and see myself.
Marrakech was one of those places I had never heard of until I joined the blogging world. The pictures are beautiful, it definitely doesn’t look like anywhere I’ve been before. Love the description of the market at night. Sounds like something out of a movie!
What an awesome itinerary here – so much info! Bahia Palace and El Badi were definitely highlights for me. We also had no money when we showed up at El Badi and had to hit an ATM. Luckily, it still had money in it!
You were lucky with the atm. Couldn’t find one that had money till I got back to the mosque. Then I gave up
Thanks for the really interesting post. This place looks really colorful and vibrant everywhere. The market looks like a really great place to wander around in.
John, you keep scaring us with snakes! Yikes! Serious now. Great post – comprehensive, practical info and all the details about the plenty enjoyable and unique aspects of a great destination! Many visitors make Marrakech look wonderful – as usual, your camera doesn’t fail to produce some delightful views!
Because it is wonderful. It’s hard to make it look bad. 😀
Great read. I feel the same about the call to prayer as here was the first time I heard it – a t5.30am when it woke me with a startle! After that it always reminded me of Morocco when I herd it in other Muslim countries. Never got to see the Secret Garden – am unsure when it opened as maybe it was not around when I visited a few years ago,
I believe it was. It’s been there a decade or so. How many few are we talking about? 😀
My heart broke a little when opening this link! We were scheduled to go here over the Easter Holiday. We still may make it there in October though and I’m THRILLED to have such great info bookmarked!!! Fantastic post, John!
Fantastic post, as always! You have captured so much from the sights, sounds, smells, culture…etc…have you considered contacting their tourist board to see if they would maybe be interested in sponsoring a trip back? Photos are gorgeous & looks so colorful!
If not gotten to the point yet where I feel confident enough to approach a tourist board. That said I feel this is one of my best, and if I want to sell myself, this would do it.
Great article! I went to Marrakesh 6 years ago and you said it perfectly: you don’t visit the city, your experience it.
For la Mamounia, I only went there for teatime but would love to spend few magical nights there, it’s very expensive though, and I always feel you can already get so much with a « normal » budget as food is excellent, riads always feel like a dream and the city is timeless. The scam part however was a really annoying one during my stay, and prevent me from going back for years. Such a shame, because I really loved the city otherwise!
I just got angry with a few scam people and they left me alone. If I’m being honest I didn’t really enjoy the souks, way too pushy. But the rest completely enchanted me.
Such a great post packed with helpful information and recommendations, John! Morocco has been on my list for years and this guide has whet my appetite for it even more!
Staying in a riad certainly seems to be the best way to go. The one you stayed in looks incredible. It’s good to know before visiting that non-Muslims cannot enter the mosques. It seems like everywhere I visit has different rules about that and it’s good to adjust expectations accordingly. I would spend hours just wandering and appreciating the beautiful architecture and drooling over the spices! Saving this post for the future!
I know in Casablanca they do allow non Muslims to enter. So rules are even different within the country. I’m glad if the one thing from this blog is to stay in a Riad. It makes the city.