2021: A Year in Photos

What to say about 2021? It’s 2020 stuck on repeat. The similarities are uncanny. It was a year of local travel again, with a few international trips sneaked in. For Beata and I here at CarpeDiemEire we managed to get to three countries. Which is the exact amount as in 2020! We spent 5 months […]
2020: A Year in Photos

If anyone is familiar with my two previous blogging years, they’ll know I usually finish the year with a photo blog to celebrate the travels of that year. Well, unfortunately 2020 was never going to be the same was it. Nonetheless, I’m not going to break the habit of a blogging lifetime, am I? Plus […]
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The Story Behind our Santorini Wedding Photos

It’s become the dream of many to have their wedding photos taken on the dreamy isle of Santorini in Greece. Whether the plan is getting married on Santorini in the presence of all your family or friends, or is one of elopement, then the whitewashed buildings and blue domed churches are the perfect backdrop to […]
2019: A Year in Photos

2019 was one of my most prolific years of travel yet, visiting eight countries over the course of the year. With the year drawing to a close it’s a good time to share a review of the year that was 2019. This is 2019 in photos; the ones that defined the year for me. I […]
Adventures of Driving in Europe

I find the greatest freedom while travelling to be while I’m behind the wheel of a car. The ability to steer my trip in the direction I want and stop when I want, is something not found in public transports. But for all the perks of renting a car, it comes with a unique set […]
2018: A Year in Photos

2018 has been a whirlwind year for me. Between finally deciding to commit to the project that is Carpediemeire and all of the trials and travels that come with it, it’s been a journey that’s sure. I’ve made mistakes along the way and I’ll be the first to admit that I really didn’t have a […]
The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by backinamerica.co.uk. These guys are on a mission to visit all 50 states of the US, but are based in the UK. The try to do so on a budget and their blog contains tips on how to save. Check out their blogs on navigating New York, how […]
Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is recognition for all the bloggers who are spreading positivity and good vibes through their blogs. I was nominated by liveloveran.com, a lovely girl who writes some beautiful blogs about life in the Phillipines and the wonderful locations there. Thank you so much for the nomination and sorry it took me so […]
Blogger Recognition Award

I had intended to write my next post today (Saturday is usually my creative writing day), but I’ve had to alter my plans (actually it’s Monday now). I’m still writing as we can see, but now I’m writing in acceptance of the Blogger Recognition Award which I was nominated for last night. ⬆️ So obviously […]